On the occasion of 125-th birth anniversary of Satyendra Nath Bose, we are proud to bring out the compilation of Scientific papers published by him in chronological order.
On the Influence of The Finite Volume of Molecules on the Equation of State.
By- Megh Nad Saha and Satyendra Nath Basu
In- 1912
The Stress-Equations of Equilibrium.
By- Satyendra Nath Basu
In- April 6, 1919
On the Herpolhode.
By- Satyendra Nath Basu
In- Aug 31, 1919
On the Equation of State.
By- Megh Nad Saha and Satyendra Nath Basu
In- 1920
On the Deduction of Rydberg’s Law from the Quantum Theory of Spectral Emission.
By- Satyendra Nath Basu
In- 1920
Planck’s Law and The Light-Quantum Hypothesis.
By- S. N. Bose
In- July 2, 1924
Thermal Equilibrium in The Radiation Field in The Presence of Matter.
By- S. N. Bose
In- July 7, 1924
Measurements of The Decomposition Voltage in Non-Aqueous Solvents
By- Susil Chandra Biswas and S. N. Bose
In- Nov 18, 1926
Beryllium Spectrum in The Region 3367-1964.
By- S.N. Bose and S. K. Mukherjee
In- Aug, 1926
Section of Mathematics and Physics.
By- S. N. Bose
In- 1929
On the Complete Moment-Coefficients of the D2-Statistic.
By- Satyendra Nath Bose
In- July 1, 1936
On the Moment-Coefficients of the D2-Statistic and Certain Integral and Differential Equations Connected with the Multivariate Normal Population.
By- S. N. Bose
In- 1937
Recent Progress in Nuclear Physics.
By- S. N. Bose
In- 1937
On the Total Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere.
By- S. N. Bose
In- 1938
Studies in Lorentz Group.
By- S. N. Bose
In- 1939
Reaction of Sulphonazides With Pyridine: Salts and Derivatives of Pyridine-Imine.
By- S. N. Bose and Paritosh Kumar Dutta
In- 1943
A Note on Dirac Equations and The Zeeman Effect.
By- S. N. Bose and K. Basu
In- Sept 22, 1943
On an Integral Equation Associated with the Equation for Hydrogen Atom.
By- S. N. Bose
In- May 15, 1945
Extraction of Germanium from Sphalerite Collected from Nepal-Part I.
By- S. N. Bose and R. K. Dutta
In- 1950
Extraction of Germanium from Sphalerite Collected from Nepal-Part II.
By- S. N. Bose and R. K. Dutta
In- 1950
PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE. – Les Identités De Divergence Dans La Nouvelle Théorie Unitaire.
The Identities of Divergence in The New Unitary Theory.
By- S. N. Bose
Presented By- Mr. Louis de Broglie
In- 1953
Une Thèorie Du Champ Unitaire Avec
A Unitary Field Theory
By- S. N. Bose
In- July 18, 1953
Certaines Conséquences De L’existehnce Du Tenseur G Dans Le Champ’ Affine Relativiste.
Certain Consequences of The Existence of the Tensor G in The Affine Relativistic Field.
By- S. N. Bose
In- 1953
The Affine Connection in Einstein’s New Unitary Field Theory.
By- S. N. Bose
In- Sept 29, 1952
A Report on the Study of Thermoluminescence.
By- S. N. Bose, J. Sharma and B. C. Dutta
In- Feb 9, 1955
Solution D’une Équation Tensorielle Intervenant Dans La Théorie Du Champ Unitaire.
Solution of A Tensor Equation Occurring in The Unitary Field Theory.
By – S. N. Bose
In- 1955
compiled by Kartikay Shukla
source: S N Bose: The Man and His Work
Part I: Collected Scientific Papers
Image: India Post
He is a PhD scholar in Science and Technology Communication in National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (erstwhile CSIR-NISCAIR) one of the prestigious labs of CSIR in India. He is trained in popularizing science through writing, graphic designing and outreach programs. Currently, he is associated with an NGO name Search for Truth and Return to Science as a volunteer. He did his Master of Science in Science and Technology Communication from CSIR- National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), New Delhi and he completed his Bachelor of Science in Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics from Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar Uttarakhand.