Remembering Dr. Shanti Swaroop Bhatnager through his works
– a chronological compilation
- Studies in Emulsions:Part I. A New Method of Determining the Inversion of Phases.
- The Effect of Adsorbed Gases on The Surface Tension of Water.
- Effect of the Addition of Certain Higher Fatty Acids on The Interfacial Tension Between B. P. Paraffin Oil and Mercury
- Pure Aniline and Water Emulsions.
- Reversal of Phases in Emulsions and Precipitation of Suspensoids by Electrolytes: An Analogy
- Studies Emulsions:Part II. The Reversal of Phases by Electrolytes, and The Effects of Free Fatty Acids and Alkalis onEmulsion Equilibrium.
- Studies inEmulsions:Part III. Further Investigations on The Reversal ofType by Electrolytes.
- The Water-Proofing Efficiency of Some Bi- and Trivalent Salts of Higher Fatty Acids and Their Adsorption by The Fibres of Paper
- The Conversion of Real gar Into Auripigment and The Analogous Behavior of Arsenic Sulfide Hydro sol.
- The Mechanical Condition of Coagula and Its Bearing on The Theory of Complete Coagulation.
- The Optical Inactivity of The Active Sugars in The Adsorbed State—A Contribution to The Chemical Theory of Adsorption.
- Surface Tension of Sodium and Potassium Amalgams at the Amalgam Benzene Interface.
- Physico-Chemical Methods Involved in The Formation of Ring Worms.
- Electrical Conductivity of Certain Univalent Salts of Higher Fatty Acids in Non-Aqueous Solutions and in Fused State.
- Effect of Light on the Interaction of Water and Sodium and Potassium Amalgams.
- Protective Action of Soaps and Further Evidence in Favour of The Chemical Theory of Adsorption.
- Electrical Resistance of Thin Films of Organic Liquids on Paper.
- Effect of Water on Dried and Pressed Silica Gel.
- Further Evidence on The Chemical Theory of The Protective Action of Sugars. II,
- Effect of Polarised Radiations on Animal Metabolism.
- Conductivity and Surface Tension of Univalent Salts of Higher Fatty Acids in The Molten State.
- Concentric Coloured Rings of The Beet-Root and The Liesegang Phenomenon.
- The Selective Effect of Polarised Radiations on Certain Photochemical Reactions.
- Studies in Photosols.
- Actionof Light on Concentrated Aqueous Solutions of Ammonium Thiocyanate.
- Effect of Light on Silver Halides in Presence of Silver Sulphide.
- Chromatic Emulsions
- Surface Tension of Some of The Organic – Substances in The Molten State and Sugden’s Parachors.
- The Progress of Physico-Chemical Research in India.
- Effect of The Dielectric Constant of The Medium on Equilibrium Coristants.
- Photochemical Reactions III. Influence of Polarised Radiations on Certain Photochemical Reactions.
- Blue Colour of The Cuprammonium Complex.
- Photochemical Reactions: The Influence of Polarised Light Uponthe Reactions of Sodium and Potassium Amalgams with Water.
- Chemical Reactions Under Electrodeless Discharge.
- Tesla-Luminescence Spectra of The Halogens.
- Fluorescence and Photochemical Change.
- Magnetic Properties of Some Substances inthe Adsorbed State.
- On the Applicability of Fresnel’s Law in Deducing Evidence in Favour of Surface Tensionfrom Surface Reflectivity.
- Langevin Theory of Atomic Magnetism Extended to Molecules-Electronic Isomers.
- Magnetic Properties of Molecules Constituting Electronic Isomers.
- Naphthalene Ring and Sugden’s Parachors III.
- Magnetic Susceptibilities of Some Inorganic and Organic and Electronic Isomerides.
- The Effect of X-Rays on Some Colloidal Solutions.
- Effects of Magnetic Field on Certain Chemical Reactions.
- Effect of Crystalline Structure on Magnetic Susceptibilities of a New Magnetic Balance Based on The Principle of Interference of Light.
- The Magnetic Rotatory Behaviour of Some Optically Active Substances in Solution.
- Aromatic Disulphides and Sugden’s Parachors IV.
- Effect of Dilution and Non-Electrolytes an The Charge of Emulsion Particles and The Mixing of Sols.
- Chemiluminescence of Antimony Halides.
- Magnetism and Molecular Structure, III. Influence of Geometric Isomerism on the Diamagnetic Susceptibilities.
- Complexity of The Magnetic Properties of Elements in the Colloidal State.
- Colour of Colloidal Solutions of Arsenic Trisulphide.
- Magnetism and Molecular Structure: Influence of Position Isomerism on Diamagnetic Susceptibilities
- Chemiluminescence of Amarine.
- Magnetic Properties of Solid Solutions.
- A Magnetic Study of Colour Changes in Cobalt Chloride.
- Electronic Constitution of Some Simple and Complex Derivatives of Copper in Relation to Their Magnetic Properties.
- Studies in Triboluminescence.
- Influence of Temperature on Diamagnetism.
- Influence of Temperature of The Diamagnetism of Certain Liquids.
- A Note on The Magnetic Susceptibilities of Cuprous Oxide Films.
- The Constitution of Tellurium Dimethyl Dihalides from The Magnetic Standpoint.
- A Magnetic Study of Singlet Linkages in Compounds of The Type of Tellurium Dimethyl.
- The Magnetic Properties of Iodine in Different Solvents.
- Physico-Chemical Characteristics of The Oxides of Nickel from The Magneto-Chemical Standpoint.
- Magnetic Study of Mixed Crystals of Systems S-Se.
- Magnetic Rotation of Some Salts of Higher Fatty Acids and Evidence in Favour of The Formation of Ionic Micelles.
- Atomic Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Hydrogen.
- Susceptibility Constants for Co-Ordinate Linkage in Addition Compounds.
- Diamagnetism of The Trivalent Bismuth Ion.
- Further Observations on The Diamagnetism of The Trivalent Bismuth Ion.
- Magnetic Measurements on Molecular Compounds in Solutionwitha Modified form of Decker’s Balance.
- Magneto-Optical Rotationof Uranyl Salts.
- Ionic Susceptibility of Rubidium from Its Different Salts in The Solid andin The Dissolved State.
- Diamagnetic Susceptibilities of Tinin Di- And Tetravalency States.
- Critical Examination of Pascal’s Value for The Magnetic Susceptibility of the CH-Group.
- A Magnetic Study of Colour Changes in Cobalt Chloride.
- Adsorptive Properties of Synthetic Resins.
- Influence of Polymerisationon Diamagnetic Susceptibilities.
- Paramagnetism ofMn++ Ionin The S State.
- Colloid Structure and Infra-Red Absorption Spectra.
- Crystalline Structure and Physico-Chemical Properties in The Colloidal State.
- The Influence of Magnetic Field on Adsorption.
- Particle Size and Magnetic Susceptibility.
- Further Evidence for The Process of Carbon Activation from Magneto-Chemical Standpoint.
- The Ground State of The Se Molecule.
- Diamagnetism of Mercury.
- On the Atomic Susceptibility of Divalent Copper.
- A Survey of Recent Advances in Magnetism Relating to Chemistry.
- Magnetism and Molecular Constitutionof Some Chromium Compounds.
- Paramagnetism of The Iron Group.
- Phototropy and Photochemical Isomerism from Magnetic Standpoint.
- Magnetic Properties of Copper Amalgams.
compiled by Kartikay Shukla
Source: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol. 8
Image: India Post
He is a PhD scholar in Science and Technology Communication in National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (erstwhile CSIR-NISCAIR) one of the prestigious labs of CSIR in India. He is trained in popularizing science through writing, graphic designing and outreach programs. Currently, he is associated with an NGO name Search for Truth and Return to Science as a volunteer. He did his Master of Science in Science and Technology Communication from CSIR- National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), New Delhi and he completed his Bachelor of Science in Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics from Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar Uttarakhand.