Once upon a time, Panthera tigris ruled the lands from eastern Turkey to the coast of the Sea of Japan, from the foothills of the Himalayas to the island of Bali. Today, P. tigris is on the IUCN Red List, listed as endangered. Though few in numbers, this charismatic megafauna never failed to capture the interests of kids and adults alike. On this World Tiger Day, Sciteum is presenting you some of the interesting facts about Tiger.
1. There are more tigers in the captive than in the wild

2. Tigers are excellent swimmers and they are capable of hunting from the water

3. Among 9 subspecies of Tigers, three subspecies were extinct

4. Tiger’s stripes are unique like our fingerprints

5. Tiger can mate with other big cats

Lets hope that the conservation efforts by global organisations would bring back this big cat to its lost territories. For more interesting science contents stay connected with Sciteum.
Compiled by M R Raghul

An engineer and a creative science communicator. Found his passion for science outreaches while traveling and interacting with kids.
Tech guy and the Co-founder of Sciteum!