The physicist who explained the first 3 minutes
As a sought-after speaker and writer, Steven Weinberg excelled in explaining complex scientific concepts to the public.
Read moreAs a sought-after speaker and writer, Steven Weinberg excelled in explaining complex scientific concepts to the public.
Read moreThis recent study unfolds some new evidences that might solve the challenges of ‘Snowball Earth’ hypothesis.
Read moreSciteum is presenting you the graphical illustration: ‘Hallucinating ME’, by Moumita Mazumdar. This illustration is depicting the state of Earth that resonates with the mental state of helplessness of an individual.
Read moreवैज्ञानिकों का कहना हैं कि यदि ग्लोबल वार्मिंग पर लगातार निगरानी रखी जाए लेकिन फिर भी ग्रीनलैंड में पिघलती बर्फ की चादरें पिछले 12000 वर्षों में किसी भी सदी की तुलना में कई अधिक तेजी से समुद्र तल के स्तर में वृद्धि कर सकती है।
Read moreThese targets to be achieved by China and the EU, being leading emitters send a strong geopolitical message to the US, which is the only leading emitter left to join climate efforts. However, its action in past has shown reverse intentions by withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement.
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