
क्या होगा अगर हम सभी दिखने में एक जैसे लगे ?

कल्पना करें कि आप एक फिल्म देख रहे है जिसमें सारे अलग-अलग किरदार दिखने में एक जैसे लग रहे है! आपके आसपास चलने वाले लोग बिल्कुल वैसे ही दिख रहे हैं जैसे आप हैं!

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What if all the ice on the earth melts?

What if all the ice on the earth melts?

What will happen if the dramatic surge of climate change melted all the ice on the earth overnight and you wake up next morning and find yourself drowning underwater? How would you enjoy choking to death? Easy-peasy, its not going to happen overnight. Ice covers eight million square miles of…

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national science fi day

Sci Fi for Sci Comm

Intergalactic journeys, super-intelligent robots, aliens, mutants, enhanced humans, ray guns, advanced weapons, alternative histories, time travel, mind control, telepathy, future evolution are all results of fiction, to be precise Scifi or Science Fiction. Science fiction is one of the complex genres in literature with a wide range of sub-genre and…

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